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+34 937 548 880

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Find below the portfolio projects related to books:

Lecture: ‘Conservation of recycled bindings and fragmentology’ (Parts 1 & 2), SICP Chile

Book conservation involves a tough decision making regarding usability and long term preservation handling. Sometimes we are dealing with fragmentology, or disjecta membra (fragments of written supports are re-used as part of a binding, with a diverse purpose from the first use) whereas in other cases the purpose is the same, and the whole binding is being recycled to bind a different book. Incunabula and manuscripts with laced-case and limp vellum bindings are studied.

Lecture: ‘Conservation of reused bindings’ (Part two), Dubrovnik

Book conservation involves a tough decision making regarding usability and long term preservation handling. Sometimes we are dealing with fragmentology, or disjecta membra (fragments of written supports are re-used as part of a binding, with a diverse purpose from the first use) whereas in other cases the purpose is the same, and the whole binding is being recycled to bind a different book. Incunabula and manuscripts with laced-case and limp vellum bindings are studied.

Lecture: ‘Conservation of re-used bindings’ (part one), Zagreb

Book conservation involves a tough decision making regarding usability and long term preservation handling. Sometimes we are dealing with fragmentology, or disjecta membra (fragments of written supports are re-used as part of a binding, with a diverse purpose from the first use) whereas in other cases the purpose is the same, and the whole binding is being recycled to bind a different book. Incunabula and manuscripts with laced-case and limp vellum bindings with rolled sewing on parchment are studied.

Video about the profession of book and paper conservator

What does a paper conservator do? Whom does she work for? What skills and knowledge does she ought to have? Preservation and conservation, a field linked to science, history and arts and crafts. The video shows -among other- how we produce a hand-made suction table to restore paper artifacts, with loads of creativity, a feature most necessary to become book and paper conservator.


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